Hello Friends! Just a few updates as we round the end of the first quarter:
First off: THANK YOU to all who donated and supported us last year! We know 2020 was a rough one for many, but you helped us to raise almost $8,000 over the course of the year!
Your support helped us to send 10 care packages and sympathy items to families in need and fund the Annual Jingle Bell Drive, supporting families of children admitted to Johns Hopkins Children’s Center in Baltimore, MD; Medstar Georgetown University Hospital in Washington, DC; Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital in Chicago, IL, (Cincinnati Children's Hospital Pending).

Liver Mommas & Families is gearing up for our Spring Fundraiser for #DonateLifeMonth in April! This year we're raising funds to cover the cost of our LMF Care Packages to send to liver families in need.
Each package contains a Liver Mommas canvas tote that can be used as a "go bag" for those unplanned trips to the hospital, 32oz Nalgene water bottle, plush "Dr. Bear", a travel toiletry kit, and a $25 gift certificate to Amazon... PLUS a special surprise from our partners over at Child Life Coffee.
$75 covers the cost of one care package, but every donation counts no matter how much! Donate today by clicking the "donate" button on our Facebook page OR go to www.livermommas.org!

April 18th - 24th is Pediatric Transplant Week! Join us for the 2nd Annual "Pediatric Transplant Week Virtual Art Show"! Email your child’s art-work to jasmine@livermommas.org, direct message us on Facebook, or post it and tag us Liver Mommas & Families, Inc. by April 17th. Include your child’s first name, age, and diagnosis.