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The Jinglebell Drive:

The Jinglebell Drive is our annual event to bring gifts, and support to pediatric transplant hospitals where it's needed the most. For some that might mean the comfort of a traditional holiday dinner. For others it may mean gifts for patients and their families.


We work hand in hand with doctors, patient relations, and Child Life departments to make sure your donation has the greatest impact, from buying much needed items for the pediatric ICU and transplant floors, to donating to patient relief funds. 


Care Packages and Sympathy Items:

Each $100 sustaining donation covers a care package for a family in need, or two memorial chimes thanks to generous contributions from our donors. A $120 donation helps support our organization.


Inside each care package recipients will find a tote-bag they can keep packed and ready for a hospital stay, a travel toiletry kit, a 32oz Nalgene water bottle, a Liver Mommas & Families teddy bear, a $25 Amazon gift certificate, a gift-box from our partners at Child Life Coffee, and helpful resources to help them navigate their child's diagnoses and transplant journey.


Care Package and sympathy recipients are identified and evaluated for need by our dedicated team members. While suggestions are considered, we cannot send a package to every family referred at this time.

Kids' Paintings

Pediatric Transplant Art Show:

Many of our families want to advocate for pediatric liver disease but don't feel comfortable posting photos of their child or telling their story publicly. The Pediatric Transplant Art Show allows them a platform to showcase their child's artwork and start a conversation about pediatric organ transplant in a way that is meaningful for them. The children also LOVE this event!

The art show takes place each year during Pediatric Organ Transplant Week (generally the last week in April). While we are a pediatric liver-disease/transplant focused charity, this event is open to any artist who has received an organ transplant!

Group Hug

LMF C.A.R.E.S. Grants

The mission of Liver Mommas & Families, Inc.  has always been focused on being there for families of pediatric liver disease patients.  In the hospital, families often need a hug from a friend who has walked that path before them.  Our board recognizes this need and we have created a program that will allow us to reach even more parents and caregivers while also supporting Child Life Programs within Transplant Center Hospitals. These grants are intended to provide Comfort, Awareness, and Resources for Emotional Support through Child Life departments at transplant centers across the country. 

Learn more here.

Hardware Tools


Resources give us the tools to navigate this journey. It's not an easy road. As liver-parents ourselves, we recognize areas where additional support and resources are needed. These resources are created specifically with liver-families in mind, out of our own experience, with the help of experts.

If you would like to a resource that isn't available on our site, please let us know!

Comforting Hands


Liver Mommas & Families was born out of a desire to support other families going through the difficult journey associated with diagnoses, prognosis, transplant, and post-transplant life with pediatric liver disease.

Have a question? Ask us. Just want to vent? We're here, and we guarantee someone in our community of over 1000 liver-families has experienced something similar.

We host an online support group on Facebook, and we're hoping to launch our Liver Mommas & Families Virtual Happy Hours in 2023!

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